half a year of silence
We left.
We grew older, became different young women and came back home.
That was back in May. Ever since we haven’t published a single new blog post.
Clearly, not what we were planning to do. Why the break? To fully understand you need to look behind the scenes.
One thing we want to take ahead: This is the last blog about the time between then and now. From now on, it’s about the stories that are to be written, the time ahead. The unknown. No longer about what was and has been. We are finally in peace with moving on and building on what we have learned abroad.
It took many weeks to get to this point. Initially, we wanted to write about our first season competing the U23/Elites in Switzerland and talk about our new jobs.
The reality looked different.
Coming home was exciting. We were brimming with enthusiasm. But suddenly we were back in the house we grew up in. The room we’ve spent our childhood in, our hometown we know from top to bottom. We had lived in total freedom about what we do, where we go and who we surround ourselves with. Whilst we developed new perspectives on life, it felt like nothing back home had ever changed.
Same people on the bus, same grim looks on Monday mornings, no brick was moved. Most of the people home have never seen a glimpse of what we saw in these months abroad. We had to answer the same questions over and over again.
How was Australia, girls? Did you have fun? How are the people down there? Honestly, you can’t explain something this unique in just a few sentences. It simply isn’t possible. It’s that we had touched such different realities, met the most unconventional people and faced stars in the clearest night sky.
Nothing you tell with only a few words.
Back then the questions and our inability to answer them felt a little overwhelming. Now we finally see, that it was never about getting everyone else to understand. It was about understanding that sharing the memories between the two of us, is more than enough.
That is the reason why we didn’t write any blogposts.
You can’t write good stories when your thoughts are still somewhere else. But you are the only one who can shift and adapt things in order to move forward. Which is what we did.
We started a part-time job in the city. One as a legal assistant and the other one as an assistant and backoffice support employee. We teamed up with our new coach and joined new training groups. So here we are. Settled into a new routine. One we love a lot. Not every day, not all the time, but mostly.
We may not see the sun rise above the ocean anymore. We might also not be surrounded by some of our best and closest friends right now.
But we are still seeking goosebumps.
Day after day, no matter the place we’re in.
The arrival back home was a little bump in the road but we have surely taken the junction of a new one now. We love to put our experiences into words. Writing is currently the only part of our days which isn’t performance focused.
Neither does it matter how many blogposts we publish nor how many views they get. If only one reader out there takes a single piece of our stories into his day, it’s already been worth it.
We all can’t go back and make a brand new start but we can start from now and make a brand new ending.