from globetrotter virus and farewell tears

Departures are hard. They trigger different emotions.
Uncertainty of what to expect, fear of homesickness or doubts of overwhelming situations.

Nevertheless once you are infected with the globetrotter virus, curiosity and interest in the unknown prevail those concerns.

Growing up, wanderlust was always a part of us. We carry it in our genes, as we received it from our parents. What hides behind the swiss mountain valleys? Where do all the airplanes up in the sky fly to?

There is only one way to answer these questions and satisfy the longing for far away: Leaving homeland.

Never take for granted, being able to pursue your dreams.
Health, financial stability and the timing in life must allow it. You are privileged if you are one of the lucky ones, who gets to jump into the unknown, travel to countries abroad and discover foreign cultures.

So do it. Not tomorrow, not in a few months and not someday in the future.
Do it now.
Because in a few years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you did not do, the places you never saw and chances you missed taking, than by the ones you did. 

Leaving our family, friends and people we love most is no little thing. Seven months are no eternity. Still, it is the longest period of time we have been gone.
Tearing up when saying goodbye is no sign of utter sadness. It shows the love and connection we maintain to our beloved ones and our home.

We always loved family diners. Therfore we revived a diner tradition the night before departure. Thai Curries at “Lily’s” in Zurich. A restaurant our family visited countless times for special occasions.

This night definitely counted as one of them.


How a mashed croissant saved us.


facing mountain fog and sunrays