where sisterhood meets rivalry

We look the same. We love the same. We struggle with the same.
You may find it impossible to tell us apart but there is two of us.

We fulfill most twin clichés in perfection. On our very first day of kindergarden, we showed up wearing the exact same outfit.
From head to toe - everything was identical.
Graduating school eleven years later, not a single thing changed. Same dress, same hair, same school grades.
But the twin lifestyle went far beyond looking alike. 

Together we share equal interests, worked in the same job and fell in love with the same sport. Triathlon found it's place in both of our hearts. We walk the same path and dream the same dreams.

For as long as we can remember, our relationship revealed questions. Teachers, coaches, family members, or even strangers wondered about it.

Since quite a while our rivalry, performance comparison in triathlon and every day life interests the majority.

How do we cope with constant comparison? Who is the stronger athlete and can we easily race against each other?
We can, even though it is challenging sometimes. However for us the advantages of being in this journey together prevail.

Our bodies and endurance levels are almost equal. We can stroll through easy sessions, push each other during hard times and switch to opponent mode within seconds. Once it counts on raceday, we see us as competitors only. Not more - not less.

Two stubborn and ambitious sisters, both wanting to beat the other one. On raceday and in training the twinning stops. Neither one would give away one second or position to the other. Nevertheless we often unitentionally cross the finish line close. On our first race here in Australia we took the close finishing to extremes and crossed the line in the same second sharing the final ranking.

In a few days from now we race again and none of us wants to repeat that twin finish. ;)

The fight is on. It will always be on.
No matter if in sports or in anything else.
Despite all rivalry, we are a well-played team.
At the end of the day we bring out the best in each other and share a bond that goes far beyond sports and winning titles.


watch the birds


one month and it’s eternity